About boommama

Meet boommama


I am a mother of seven children and grandmother 'Lolli' to four beautiful grandchildren which I was so fortunate and blessed to be at all their births. For the past 25 years, I have been working with mamas during pregnancy, labour, birth and breastfeeding.  After having my first two children I clearly remember that I wanted to be a midwife, also inspired by Ina May Gaskins booked called 'Spiritual Midwifery'.

In 1991 I worked as a Doula and ran a clinic using Natural Therapies, such as herbs, Bach Flowers, Aromatherapy, Massage/pregnancy massage, Acupressure, Reflexology and Iridology. I then moved to Byron Bay and continued my passion with Childbirth Education, working as a Doula supporting women in home and hospital births. During this time, I was studying full-time Nursing with the purpose of entering a midwifery postgraduate degree. 

In 2008 I completed my Bachelor of Midwifery degree and commenced working in midwifery in all areas of maternity care which included antenatal, labour and birth, postnatal, special care nursery, midwifery in the home and Midwifery Group Practice. 

I have completed my Prescribing for Midwives post-graduate course which enables me to be an Endorsed Midwife, so that I can offer Medicare rebates, ordering of ultrasound scans, blood tests, writing of prescriptions should medication be required. However, I am not currently working as a private midwife, but in a Midwifery Group Practice.

Being a midwife has been my calling in this life and I am honoured to share this journey with women and their partners. My approach as a midwife is holistic with a passion for providing care that is safe, evidenced based and with minimal intervention. 

I have respect for the physiological process of pregnancy, birth and the early postnatal period. It is amazing to see the powerful process of birth unfold and watch families blossom during pregnancy and birth journeys. 

My focus is now designing beautiful products for mama’s and mama’s to be.


2021 Prescribing for Midwives

– Griffith university

2008 Bachelor of Midwifery

– University of Technology, Sydney

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